Past Community Outreach
The employees of Keystone RV Center have, as all Americans have been through a lot over the past year. We have decided to pool our charity giving from the past few months and for some time in the future to try to make an impact. We are donating a new mobility van to the Franklin County Veterans Affairs office.
There is a need here, and our vets ARE A PRIORITY. Where government cannot or will no longer provide what is needed, it is up to the citizens and businesses to address the needs of our veterans. We can never repay our veterans and their families for the sacrifices they have made and continue to make, but we can support them.
We encourage other businesses and citizens to support our veterans any way they can. If you would like more information on how to support this cause, please
click here.
For the month of March we chose to donate our usual $10 for every RV sold to our local fire departments totaling $2,720. We greatly appreciate the safety and services they provide our communities.
Pictured is our shop technician and volunteer fire fighter Corey Mowen presenting the check to Rescue Hose No. 1 of Greencastle.
Pictured is our shop technician and volunteer fire fighter Jason Lander receiving a check for MMP&W Volunteer Fire Co.
For the month of February we again chose to donate our usual $10 for every RV sold to Franklin County Veterans affairs for a total of $1,520. We are committed in our continued support of our veterans and are grateful for the services Franklin County Veterans Affairs provide. If you would like more information or would like to donate to their cause please
click here.
For the month of January we donated $1,490 to Greencastle Antrim Education Foundation to assist in the construction of a ticket booth and restrooms at the local school district.
We continue to support our veterans. For the month of December we chose to donate $1,200 to Misson 22.
Mission 22 is a non-profit who combats the ever-rising veteran suicide rate. Every day, more than twenty veterans are lost to suicide. Mission 22 wants to bring that number to zero. It does this with three main programs; veteran treatment programs, memorials and national awareness. Mission 22 provides treatment programs to veterans for Post-Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury and other issues they might be facing. It organizes events and builds memorials to create social impact and awareness for these issues. Mission 22 serves combat veterans, those injured in training who therefore could not deploy and victims of MST. Mission 22 also has an Ambassador volunteer program for people to get involved as well. Ambassadors educate the public on veteran issues, help get veterans into Mission 22 treatment programs and create resources in their communities. Through these three programs, it enables a push for the betterment of our nation's heroes and stands united in the war against veteran suicide. If you would like to donate to their cause please click here.
For the months of October and November we chose to make a donation to the Franklin County Veterans Affairs. Per our usual $10 for every RV sold we were able to donate a total of $2,900.
We are grateful for the services they provide in supporting our veterans and community.
If you would like to donate to the Franklin County Veterans Affairs or would like more information on the services they provide please click here.

For the month of September we decided to donate to the Rescue Hose Co. No. 1 of Greencastle PA. We appreciate the tremendous efforts they provide to keep our community safe.
Pictured is Riley Bitner presenting the check for $1,550 to Tommy Bricker.
If you would like to get involved with Rescue Hose Co. No. 1 visit them on the web at

Keystone RV Center has decided to give back to the community in 2020 by donating to a different charity each quarter! We will donate $10 for every RV sold during that quarter to the charity or cause we have chosen!

We did $10 per RV sold as our normal charity donation, in the months of June, July, and August to Save a Vet save a Pet for a total of $7,980.
During this time of government restrictions, especially in Pennsylvania, we wanted to make a positive impact on our local community and the veterans who made, what freedom we are allowed to have currently, possible.
We can never repay what our veterans have sacrificed and provided for us, but we can at least help to support them.
Operation Save-A-Vet, Save-A-Pet is a Veterans service dog program dedicated to helping Franklin County Veterans with service connected disabilities lead happier, healthier and more productive lives.
For more information on this program, please
click here.
We are still giving back! Keystone RV Center just made our first quarterly donations for 2020 in the amount of $3,300 to Mission 22.

Mission 22 is a non-profit who combats the ever-rising veteran suicide rate. Every day, more than twenty veterans are lost to suicide. Mission 22 wants to bring that number to zero. It does this with three main programs; veteran treatment programs, memorials and national awareness. Mission 22 provides treatment programs to veterans for Post-Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury and other issues they might be facing. It organizes events and builds memorials to create social impact and awareness for these issues. Mission 22 serves combat veterans, those injured in training who therefore could not deploy and victims of MST. Mission 22 also has an Ambassador volunteer program for people to get involved as well. Ambassadors educate the public on veteran issues, help get veterans into Mission 22 treatment programs and create resources in their communities. Through these three programs, it enables a push for the betterment of our nation's heroes and stands united in the war against veteran suicide.
Keystone RV Center feels very strongly that we need to give back to the community that offers us so much support. We do this by donating to various charity organizations throughout the year.

Our final donation of 2019 goes to The House Of Hope! The House Of Hope helps facilitate resources to assist in the rehabilitation of women suffering from chemical dependency and related disorders. Chad Peiffer presents Bernadette Bowman with a check for $3,160 on behalf of Keystone RV Center.
Our 3RD Quarter donation of $5,270 has gone to the Frances Leiter Center, part of the Children's Aid Society.

Jon Berkley (left) presents a check for $5,270 to Brandon Gething (right) from the Children's Aid Society. Our donation will be used to help support the Frances Leiter Center in Chambersburg, PA. To learn more visit their website here.
It is important that we do not lose sight of the tremendous efforts that our Armed Service Members put forth to ensure our freedom in this great nation. From Keystone RV Center, to all Veterans, as well as current and future service members, thank you for all that you have done. You are our true heroes.

Rob Clayton presents Franklin R. Scheib, a representative from the Fisher House Foundation, with a check for $1,776 from our Hershey RV Show donation boards.
Our 2nd Quarter donation for $6,230 went to Cowans Gap to help protect, preserve and enhance their campground facilities.

Left to right- Pam Metzger, left, receives a check for $6,230 on behalf of PPFF for Cowans Gap. Check presented by Mark Thomas, right, Director of Marketing for Keystone RV Center.
Our 2019 second quarter donation of $6,230 has gone to Cowans Gap.
Left to right- Paul "Ted" Reed (Franklin County PA, Chief Deputy Coroner), Steve Dietrich (Service Manager, Keystone RV Center) & John Lloyd (Noah's House/Gracie's Place Founder)
"At Gracie's Place, we believe in not just new life, but with the fellowship of other recovering addicts and God's guidance, you can have an abundant life. We believe that the only way we can maintain what we have gained is by giving it away. Recovery is more than abstinence from mind-altering substances, it is a way of life. Recovery is identifying and developing core values of integrity, service, and spiritual principles that we incorporate into our daily lives.." -Gracie's Place
Left to right- Paul "Ted" Reed (Franklin County PA, Chief Deputy Coroner), Alex VonDrach (Sales, Keystone RV Center) & John Lloyd (Noah's House/Gracie's Place Founder)
"Noah's House offers men suffering from addiction a residential treatment setting to give clients the tools necessary to maintain a substance-free lifestyle. Through integrity, biblical principles, and
self-sufficiency, it is our goal to help these men become successful and productive members of the community." -
Our 2018 fourth quarter donation of $3,110 has gone to Noah's House.
Our third quarterly donation will be going to Operation Save-A-Vet, Save-A-Pet! With your help we managed to raise $6,270 for this amazing cause! Operation Save-A-Vet, Save-A-Pet is a Veterans service dog program dedicated to helping Franklin County Veterans with service connected disabilities lead happier, healthier and more productive lives.
For more information on this program, please
click here.
Rob Clayton & Ed Bittinger present the Fisher House with a check for $1,776! Each year at the Hershey RV Show, Keystone RV Center places up boards for members (past or present) of the Military to sign their names! We then make a donation to the
Fisher House Foundation.
Our second quarterly donation of $6,610 has gone to Over The Rainbow Children's Advocacy Center. They provide a safe, child-friendly place for children and their families to receive services that help to restore hope and provide healing from child abuse.
To learn more about this great organization or to get involved visit them online here-
Over The Rainbow
Our first quarter donation for 2018, of $4,170, has gone to Rescue Hose Company #1 in Greencastle, PA. These heroes put their lives on the line to protect residents and businesses within our community. They offer fire suppression, emergency medical services, rescue, extrication, and hazardous materials operation response to Greencastle, PA and surrounding areas.
Keystone RV Center has asked that our donation be used to help resupply the fire hall with life saving medication & equipment.
If you would like to get involved with Rescue Hose Company #1 visit them on the web at
Keystone RV Center donated $20,360 to Franklin County Women In Need in 2017! We were able to achieve this by donating $10 for every single unit we sold throughout the year. For three decades, Women In Need has provided services to victims, survivors and significant others of individuals who have experienced domestic violence and sexual assault.
To get involved or for more information on Women In Need of Franklin & Fulton County please visit them at
Derek Moyer, Sales Associate/Marketing Assistant at Keystone RV Center, presented Women In Need of Franklin County with a check for $3,060 for our fourth quarter donation for 2017! That's $20,360 that we were able to donate to them this year! We want to thank all of our customers for helping us reach this goal. We ended 2017 with a total of 2,036 units sold! We are very happy to be able to present them with this and give back to those who need it most.