Taking Your RV Out of Winter Storage

De-winterizing your RV can be a tiresome, overcomplicated task, and few people would blame you for dragging your feet. However, not taking the proper steps to get your RV ready before you leave on your first trip can cause a host of problems. Be sure to complete the following tasks before you hit the road!

Look for Pests

Your RV can be a tempting source of shelter for pests during the cold winter months. Do a complete check to make sure there aren’t any unwanted guests before you continue with your de-winterization.

Inspect Your RV’s Tires and Battery

Check that your RV’s tires are properly inflated, have proper tread depth, and are free of any cracks. As for the battery, check that it is free of cracks, disconnect it, clean the connections, check the fluid levels, and finally recharge it.

Address the Water System and Fluid Levels

Drain and rinse your freshwater tanks, and then fill them back up and run your water pump to remove any lingering antifreeze. You should also check the fluid levels of your brake fluid, windshield fluid, antifreeze/coolant, etc, and top them off if they are low. If your RV has a generator, check its oil and filters as well.

If you have questions or want to get personalized RV shopping tips, visit Keystone RV Center. Our expert staff is happy to help however we can. Our dealership is located in Greencastle, Pennsylvania.

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